Pumpkin Pie Chia Pudding

Pumpkin Pie Chia Pudding

By Brianne Carter, Reiki Energy Healer

Pumpkin Pie Chia Pudding

~ 4 servings

1 cup milk of your preference (I like to use coconut milk from the can for the healthy fats!)
1 cup pumpkin puree (NOT pie filling)
¼ cup chia
2 Tbsp maple syrup
1 tsp vanilla
1.5 tsp pumpkin pie spice

– Mix together in a bowl and chill in the fridge for a few hours or overnight for breakfast the next day!
– Top with yogurt and pumpkin seeds, or any nuts and seeds of your choice! Enjoy!

Healthy Fall Recipes

Healthy Fall Recipes

By Dr. Michelle Hagel ND 

Super Simple Slow Cooker Chicken Soup

1 Yellow Onion (diced)
4 stalks Celery (diced)
3 Carrot (medium, chopped)
1 tbsp Rosemary (fresh)
8 oz Chicken Breast (boneless, skinless)
1 lb Chicken Thighs (boneless, skinless)
Sea Salt & Black Pepper (to taste)
6 cups Water (or broth)

– Add all ingredients to the crockpot and cook on low for 6-8 hrs.
– Once the chicken is cooked through, transfer it to a large bowl, and shred it with two forks. Return the shredded chicken to the crockpot and let it soak for at least 5-10 minutes before serving. Adjust seasoning as needed.

Pumpkin Spice Smoothie

1/2 cup Water
1/4 cup Oats (rolled)
1/2 cup Pureed Pumpkin
1/4 tsp Pumpkin Pie Spice
1 tbsp Almond Butter
1 tbsp Chia Seeds
1/3 cup Unsweetened Almond Milk
1/2 Banana
1 tsp Maple Syrup

– Add the water and oats to a saucepan over medium-low heat. Bring to a simmer and cook for 4 minutes.
– Add the pumpkin and pumpkin pie spice and stir.
– Add the pumpkin and oat mixture to a blender along with the remaining ingredients. Blend until smooth and creamy.
– Serve warm and enjoy!warm and enjoy!

Healthy Berry Margarita (for kids too!)

Healthy Berry Margarita (for kids too!)

These days we are spending a lot of time at home, I encourage everyone to enjoy the sunshine, our summers are short. Sun provides us with the all mighty vitamin D, as well activates our serotonin and dopamine neurotransmitters and helps set our circadian rhythm for better sleep. This is a fun recipe that you can share with your kids while kicking back in the back yard enjoying some vitamin D : ) This time of year our fruits and vegetables are fresh and locally sourced so they are packed with so many nutrients. I do my best to incorporate them into our diet as much as possible, stock up for the Winter months. At Docere we are also featuring our shot bar special, check it out if you are feeling like you need an additional boost.

Healthy Berry Margarita (for kids too!)

2 tbsp Coconut Sugar (optional)

1 Lime (sliced into wedges, juiced, divided)

2 cups Frozen Berries

10 Ice Cubes

2 tbsp Maple Syrup

1 pint Soda Water

Add the berries, ice, maple syrup, soda water and remaining lime juice to a blender. Blend until smooth.

Garnish with lime wedges and enjoy!

If you want to fancy them up put the coconut sugar in a shallow bowl. Take a lime wedge and run it around the rim of the glass. Dip the rim of the glass into the coconut sugar, being sure to cover the rim.

Refreshing Alcohol-Free Summer Drinks!

Refreshing Alcohol-Free Summer Drinks!

by Dr. Alisha Rawji ND

1-Classic Virgin Sangria

1 tsp: Maple Syrup
¼ Lemon (juiced, plus slices for garnish)
1/4 cup Frozen Berries
2 Ice Cubes
3 fl ozs Low sugar cranberry Juice
2 fl ozs Soda Water

2- Classic Virgin Mojito

1 1/2 tsp Maple Syrup
2 tbsps Mint Leaves
3 ¾ Ice Cubes
1 1/2 tsps Lime Juice
10 fl ozs Soda Water

3 – Sparkling Pomegranate Limeade

1/2 cup Water
1/3 cup Sparkling Water
1 tbsp Lime Juice
1 1/2 tbsps Monk Fruit Sweetener
1 tbsp Pomegranate Seeds
1/16 oz Thyme Sprigs (for garnish, optional)

Reference: That Clean Life.
Summer Smoothies

Summer Smoothies

Summer Smoothies! Since we are now heading into June, I thought I would share some of my favourite and delicious summer smoothies that not only taste great but are also full of healthy vegetables as well – those of which you might even realize are in there! -Dr. Alisha Rawji.


Blend all of the following ingredients together, pour and enjoy!

1) Chocolate Almond Butter Smoothie

  • 1 cup

Unsweetened Almond Milk

  • 1/2

Zucchini (chopped, frozen)

  • 1/4 cup

Chocolate Protein Powder

  • 1/2

Banana (frozen)

  • 1 tbsp

Chia Seeds

  • 1 tbsp

Almond Butter

  • 1 tbsp

Cacao Powder

  • 1 tsp

Cacao Nibs (optional).


2) Choco-Peanut Butter Smoothie

·       ¼ Avocado

  • 1 cup

Organic Coconut Milk

  • 1 tbsp

All-Natural Peanut Butter

  • 1 cup

Baby Spinach

  • 1/4 cup

Chocolate Protein Powder.

3) Coconut Green Tea.

2/3 cup

Organic Coconut Milk (full fat, refrigerated overnight)

  • 1 cup


  • 1 cup

Frozen Berries

  • 2 cups

Baby Kale

  • 2 tbsps

Hemp Seeds

  • 2 tsps

Green Tea Powder (matcha)

  • 4 cups

Protein Powder

  • 1 tbsp

Chia Seeds

Reference: That Clean Life.

COVID-19 Healthy Recipes

COVID-19 Healthy Recipes

I’m sure everyone like me is trying to avoid grocery shopping at this time, using frozen products and pantry items. So here are a couple of healthy options to enjoy. Stay safe and healthy!


Strawberry Oatmeal


3 cups Unsweetened Almond Milk

1/2 cup oatmeal (uncooked)

2 tbsp Maple Syrup

2 tsp Vanilla Extract

2 cups Strawberries (fresh or frozen, chopped)

2 tbsp Water

2 tbsp Chia Seeds


In a large pot over medium-high heat, combine the almond milk, oats, maple syrup, and vanilla. Bring to a gentle boil then reduce the heat to low and cover the pot with a lid. Let it simmer for 30 to 35 minutes.

Meanwhile, in a second pot over medium-low heat, add the strawberries and water. Heat until the strawberries release their juices then simmer for 10 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in the chia seeds. The sauce will thicken as it cools.

Add strawberry sauce and enjoy it.


Vegan Chili 

I’ve included some fresh produce but you can disregard if you don’t have them on hand the chili will still turn out excellent.


6 cups Canned Whole Tomatoes

2 cups Red Kidney Beans (cooked, drained and rinsed)

2 cups White Navy Beans (cooked, drained and rinsed)

2 cups Frozen Corn

2 stalks Celery (diced)

2 Green Bell Pepper (de-seeded and chopped)

2 Carrot (chopped)

1 White Onion (diced)

4 Garlic (cloves, minced)

2 tsp Cumin

1 tsp Oregano

3 tbsp Chili Powder

1 tbsp Sea Salt


Add whole tomatoes with juice to the slow cooker and roughly crush with your hands. Add remaining ingredients and stir until combined.

Cover and cook on high for 6 to 8 hours, depending on the strength of your slow cooker.

Ladle into bowls and enjoy!