Clinic Promotions

Back to school vitamins
Are you finding it hard to remember things? Struggling to concentrate? Feeling like your brain is in a constant fog? It might be time to discover the benefits of NAD injections. 
NAD, or Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide, is a powerful coenzyme found in every cell of your body. It plays a critical role in energy production, DNA repair, and cell communication. As we age, our NAD levels naturally decline, which can lead to cognitive issues like forgetfulness, difficulty concentrating, and mental fatigue.
Experience the rejuvenating power of NAD injections and reclaim your mental clarity and focus. Say goodbye to forgetfulness and brain fog, and hello to a sharper, more vibrant you!
Book your NAD injection session today and start feeling the benefits of a clearer, more focused mind:
Back to school vitamins
Detox Massage with Laura Corcoran; RMT, is a choreographed hands-on treatment to help detoxify, decrease fluid retention, nourish tissue cells, and boost your immune system.
Escape the heat and treat yourself to ultimate relaxation with our exclusive Summer Special. Get 10% off all Detox Massages and Lymph Drainage Therapy sessions until the end of July.
Book your relaxing session here 👉:
Back to school immune boost

We’re excited to provide you with an extensive selection of health screenings at face value. From hormonal and genetic testing to stool/parasitology tests, food sensitivity assessments, SIBO breath tests, micronutrient evaluations, heavy metal screenings, and mold toxicity tests—we’ve got you covered!

Curious about a specific test? Just ask our practitioners for more details. We’re here to help you unlock the insights you need for optimal health!

Our Goals at Docere Wellness Centre are:

... to listen and be respectful
... to create a collaborative partnership
... to treat the whole person, not the illness
... to address the root cause and not just treat symptoms
... to honour the healing power of nature