The most wonderful time of the year can also be one of the most unhealthy times of the year. Often due to the endless Christmas parties complete with drinks and Christmas baking.

  1. Have a snack before attending. Showing up to an event starving can lead to overindulgence, then generally digestive discomfort. It also decreases our will power and then there is no stopping us from eating the bad food we can normally avoid or have smaller portions of.
  2. Everything in Moderation! Be selective, chose your favourite and have a small amount. Especially with sugar, during the holidays we are surrounded by sugar. Eating small amounts of your absolute favourites can satisfy your cravings.
  3. At a potluck bring a healthier selection, so you know one thing on the table will be a good for your body.
  4. Stay active, don’t stop exercising just because it’s the holidays. If you can continue your exercise routine. Take a walk after a big meal to help digestion, you will feel better and your gut will love you for it.
  5. If you accidently overindulge, eat sparingly the next day and enjoy lots of detoxifying lemon water to help your digestion and body recovery.
  6. Enjoy the holidays, focus on activities and fun rather than food.

detox tips Calgary

Weight Loss Guide Calgary

At Docere Wellness we love to assist our clients in finding wellness for their lives. Each person is uniquely different and there is not a 1 size fits all! If you are wanting to improve your quality of life, feel better on a daily basis or heal your body that has found itself unwell then Docere is the place for you! Give us a call to book a nutritional consult and we know that our team will create the ideal health plan for your success – this holiday season don’t’ give up…Step Up!