by Dr. Michelle Hagel

What’s your Cocktail? Intravenous cocktail that is. I am excited to be now offering intravenous therapy at Docere Wellness. IV nutrients bypass our gastrointestinal system and liver filtration therefore allowing for higher levels to be delivered directly to the cells. Individuals suffering from digestive concerns and chronic illness are generally not able to absorb the necessary nutrients from foods and oral supplements. In addition to partially being lost through the digestive process it also requires energy to put nutrients into the cells. Intravenous nutrients are delivered directly into the bloodstream then travel passively into cells because of a concentration gradient. This method is direct and requires very little effort/energy from the body. In various conditions oral supplementation may not allow the desired dose and concentration of the nutrients to reach the cells.

Intravenous Therapy Calgary

I am offering 15% off Intravenous therapy for the summer months!!!

Who could benefit from IV therapy?
Individuals wanting to improve athletic performance, Chronic fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Depression, Chronic stress/burnout, Fatigue, Muscle spasms, Asthma, Insomnia/sleep disorders, Inflammatory Bowel diseases, Infection, Angina, Acute infections (cold/flu), Decreased immune function, Senile dementia, Restless leg syndrome, Headache/Migraines. Each intravenous therapy can be specifically designed for the nutritional requirements of the individual.

The Myers’ Cocktail is one of the most popular IV cocktails, it is a combination of vitamin C, B5, B6, B12, B-complex, magnesium, trace minerals, and calcium. Below I have described the benefits of each vitamin/mineral and included zinc and selenium.

Vitamin C
An important antioxidant, fights off viruses and disposes of free radicals. It also helps decrease stress by supporting our adrenal glands and activates various hormones in our body. Promotes healthy capillaries, gums and teeth. Vitamin C helps treat urinary tract infections, forms collagen in connective tissues thereby preventing aging skin and healing wounds/burns. Improves the absorption of iron and is involved in neurotransmitter synthesis of both norepinephrine and serotonin. Eliminating free radicals improves the health of our DNA, phospholipids and proteins in our cells. Benefiting individuals with cancer, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, cataracts, kidney disease, Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. Individuals that smoke require higher levels of vitamin C because it accelerates the depletion in their body.
Vitamin C at high doses, achieved only by IV administration enhances antiviral and antibacterial effects. It can produce hydrogen peroxide within cancer cells which is toxic to only cancer cells. Vitamin C’s molecular structure is similar to that of glucose. Cancer cells require high levels of glucose for metabolism they absorb large amounts of Vitamin C into themselves. At these high levels, Vitamin C turns into a pro-oxidant and interacts with copper and iron to produce hydrogen peroxide. The cancer cells are unable to metabolize this peroxide and will begin to break down the cancer cell, and not cause harm to surrounding human cells.

Magnesium is a natural muscle relaxant and one of the most important nutrients. It can decrease cardiac arrhythmias and act as a calcium channel blocker. It is the second most abundant mineral intracellularly, and is essential in more than 100 enzyme systems. It is also one of the nutrients that is stripped from plants by glyphosate (round-up), therefore making it increasingly important to supplement with. It can help decrease blood pressure, relieve night time leg cramps, aid in bone growth and act as a bronchodilator to treat asthma. As a muscle relaxant magnesium treats nervousness, headaches general muscle tightness/cramping. For more information, see

Potassium Chloride:
Important in maintaining contractility of smooth, skeletal and cardiac muscles and excitability of nerves. Involved in fluid and pH balance. Useful in blood pressure maintenance, muscle cramps and prevention of kidney stones. Potassium levels have decreased in natural sources around 14% in the last few decades.

Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body, 99% residing in bones and teeth. Involved in nervous, muscular and skeletal systems in the body and their metabolic functions. Helps utilize Vitamin B12, as well as amino acids. Beneficial for individuals with osteoporosis, frequent fractures, muscle contractions, cramping, and lower backache.

Folic Acid (Vitamin B9)
Promotes the formation of red blood cells, helps maintain white blood cells (immune system) and a healthy nervous system. Has the ability to cross the blood brain barrier and have neurological effects. Useful for symptoms of glossitis, red cracked lips, low energy, difficulty sleeping, vascular disease, forgetfulness, confusion and Alzheimer’s in combination with Vitamin B12. Indicated for H. pylori, celiac disease, because of poor absorption in the GI tract. Important in pregnancy, helps neurological development in fetus. Individuals taking oral contraceptives have an increased requirement because of larger volumes of all B vitamins excreted as well as alcoholics.

Vitamin B12
Improves sleep by normalizing circadian rhythm, improves energy and is involved in cell reproduction. Treats symptoms such as restless legs, pernicious anemia, menstrual disorders, diabetic and peripheral neuropathy as well as skin problems. Promotes neurological regeneration/synthesis of myelin sheath, which help brain function by increasing the rate that neurons can fire thus improving memory and learning ability. Useful with alcoholism, detoxification, individuals taking various medications (NSAIDs, OCP, acid suppression therapy), elderly population, individuals with poor digestion vegetarians/vegans, pancreatic insufficiency, parasitic infection, and Zollinger-Ellison syndrome.

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)
Involved in many enzyme systems in the body related to proteins and amino acids. Promotes red blood cell production (like B12 and folic acid) and energy production. Involved in synthesis of amino acid taurine making it useful for depression as it enhances mood and resistance to stress. Helps with premenstrual symptoms as it can decrease the effect of sex hormones. Also useful for diabetes and gestational diabetes, autism, nausea (in pregnancy), improves immune system and can act as a diuretic. It helps relieve joint pain and muscle spasms such as carpal tunnel. Helpful for acne, alcoholism, burning mouth syndrome, anemia, asthma, heart disease, atherosclerosis, stroke, kidney stones and lupus. Elderly are often deficient as well as individuals that consume large amounts of protein.

Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)
Assists with proper functioning of nervous system, muscles and heart. Maintains mucous membranes and promotes growth and development. Deficiencies may result from alcoholism, cirrhosis, overactive thyroid, infection, breastfeeding, prolonged diarrhea and burns. Useful for any inflammation of nerves or nerve pain.

B2 (Riboflavin)
Promotes normal growth and development, maintains nervous system, skin and particularly useful in eye disease. Aids in respiratory, digestive, circulatory systems as it helps maintain healthy mucous membranes. Activates B6 (pyridoxine), as well as other enzyme systems. Useful for cracks and sores at the corner of the mouth, inflammation of the mouth and lips, trembling, and sensitivity to light.

B3 (Niacin)
Maintains nerves, skin and digestive system. Reduces cholesterol and triglycerides and very helpful for individuals with schizophrenia. Treats tinnitus and vertigo, prevents headaches associated with menstrual cycle and treats pellagra, muscle weakness and general fatigue.

B5 (Pathothenic acid)
Promotes normal growth and development, relieves muscle spasms and mental fatigue. Improves energy by aiding in the release of energy from foods by transporting and breaking down fatty acids. Reduces triglyceride and cholesterol levels and increases good cholesterol HDL levels. Stimulates healing, relieves allergies and constipation, supports adrenal gland. Specifically Dexpanthenol: essential in metabolism of lipids, glycose and protein. Necessary to regenerate and develop skin. Improves resistance to infections by detoxification of foreign particles.

Improves immune function, has antiviral ability, antioxidant, important in conversion of active thyroid hormones and involved in enzyme pathways.

Found in all body tissues and fluid is important in many enzyme reactions. Important in red blood cell production, RNA/DNA synthesis and antioxidant defense system. Useful for taste sensation, cell replication, bone formation, wound healing, carbohydrate metabolism and immune system. Conditions requiring zinc alcoholism, chronic illness, stress, alopecia, trauma or post-surgery, malabsorption, acne, benign prostatic hypertrophy, acute cold.

For more information or to find your perfect cocktail book a consultation or contact Dr. Hagel at [email protected]