Vitamin B12 is used in DNA synthesis, red blood cell formation, various metabolic processes including conversion of fats and proteins into energy as well as functioning of the nervous and immune system. Intramuscular B12 or methylcobalamin injections, provide the body with the active form that can be utilized by the body immediately. It is very safe to administer in higher doses, as it is a water soluble vitamin and if not utilized by the body will be excreted readily.

Chronic Stress Treatment NW Calgary

Individuals that may benefit from B12 injections

  • fatigue, depression or insomnia.
  • poor digestion, Crohn’s or colitis often benefit as they have an impaired ability to absorb B12 from their food.
  • elderly population, as B12 levels decline with advancing age
  • vegetarians or vegans, vitamin B12 exists almost exclusively in animal foods
  • individuals taking certain medications can deplete the body’s Vitamin B12: Metformin, phenobarbital, various anti-inflammatory medications, birth control pills, and antibiotics
  • nerve pain/tingling
  • chronic alcohol use
  • detoxification

To learn more or to book with one of our Naturopathic Doctors call 403-452-6262.