At Amaranth, we value meeting our customers where they are. We know that there is more than one right way to do things and we are here no matter where you are in your health journey. From organic, natural and whole foods to environmental responsibility and optimizing health and healing, there are lots of places to start. If colds and flus are your motivation, think of all of the extra benefits that building the immune system will have on your body!
No one wants to get the flu so we will start with how to prevent it, then we will look at what to do at the first sign of sickness and follow with how to treat symptoms that are making you feel miserable.
Of course none of us want to experience the discomfort of having a bad cold or flu, but in addition to preventing the flu these things can also prevent a lot of other health problems. Good sense cannot be overstated!
- enough restful and restorative sleep
- mild to moderate exercise everyday (Intense exercise or over exertion for your abilities can actually weaken the body and make it more susceptible to getting sick. Athletes or weekend warriors should follow extra mechanisms of prevention.)
- healthy eating including lots of greens, fats, carbs, sugars, fibre
- washing your hands with soap and water before eating
- having a healthy gut
Your gut is the tube that goes right from your mouth, all the way through your body and out the other end. Research is mounting as to the importance of getting this tube healthy. A healthy gut is full of a wide variety of beneficial bacteria that work with many or all of your body systems to regulate your immune system and your general health. A gut that is plentiful in good bacteria is better at crowding out cold and flu germs so that they cannot get a foot hold as well as working with the immune system to create its own antibodies to prevent colds and flus naturally.
Working to have a healthy gut can be a big process for some but it starts with getting the good bacteria in AND helping it survive. Good bacteria comes from spending time in healthy soil, not over disinfecting things and consuming fermented foods and probiotics. Keeping them alive and flourishing can be achieved by feeding them the things that they like to eat including all types of fibre from a variety of vegetables, fruits, pulses and whole grains. To learn more about building a healthy gut, visit your Docere Naturopaths.
You know when you feel that first tingle in the ears or throat or a bit of stiffness in the neck? Don’t wait to see what happens! You have a small window to get ahead of the germs that are trying to multiply. Taking a cold or flu targeted remedy can be very effective to both reduce your chances of a sickness setting in or decreasing the length and intensity of the infection.
A favourite Amaranth remedy is Cold Defense by Health First. Cold Defense uses a combination of traditional Chinese herbs that treat and prevent a variety of infections including some fungal infections.
Traditional Chinese Medicine Calgary
Why We Love It: In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), health is optimal when there’s an abundant supply of life energy or ‘Qi’ (chee). This energy supports our body, providing nourishment for all of our organs and tissues. Cold Defense uses the herb astragalus to strengthen our Qi and andrographis to clear heat and dampness from our body which can contaminate our Qi. Both of these herbs also have antibacterial and immune boosting effects. With the Qi healthy, the fang feng herb in the formula can use the Qi to aide in releasing toxins trapped in our body which helps to alleviate the pain associated with cold and flu symptoms. On top of these herbs, the formula uses North American ginseng to generate fluids and strengthen the immune system, as well as huo xiang which aids the digestive system and prevents diarrhea (phew)!
Blinded By Science: When a cold or flu gets past our primary defense system it often affects our stomach first. This can show as stomach upset/nausea or simply digestive issues. When our digestive abilities are weakened it is much more difficult to fight an infection and other issues soon present themselves. If taken at the onset of symptoms, Cold Defense has been shown to reduce cold and flu symptoms within 2-4 days. It can be taken for immediate relief of symptoms with an intense dosage over a 4 day period (3 capsules, 3 times daily) or it can be taken one capsule per day as a preventative or for long-term detoxification purposes.
If you miss this initial warning system and find yourself with a full blown cold or flu there are still lots of things that you can do in addition to continuing to take the Cold Defense.
First of all, rest and sleep. Yes, you are busy and surely very, very important, but you are sick and you will get better faster (and infect less people) if you stay home and rest. Taking something to numb to your symptoms and put you back into life’s responsibilities is only going to keep you sick longer.
Take a hot bath in Epsom salts, drink lots of fluids including ginger tea if you have congestion or digestive upset and follow your healthy living guide to prevention above.
Sore throats and coughs can be eased with Nim Jiom taken in a spoon or dissolved in hot water as a tea. A high dose probiotic can help to give you that extra boost to get your bacterial balance back to normal.
Moist air is easier to breath and supports the healthy bacteria that live in your mucus membranes so a humidifier can be helpful. Essential oils like tea tree or thieves oil can be added to the humidifier to ease symptoms and promote healing.
If you find it hard to breathe due to a stuffed nose, try ‘Magic Socks’. Have a hot bath with the door closed to help clear your passageways and get your body warm. Get out of the tub, dry off and put your pjs on. Wet a pair of 100% cotton socks with really cold water and put them on your feet (sorry!) and pull a pair of dry 100% wool socks over top. Go to bed. The wet, cold socks help to create a pump to cleanse lymphatic tissue and promote drainage where you need it. In the morning your socks will be dry, your feet will be hot and your congestion will be much, much less. Repeat again the next night.
Once you start getting back to normal, take it easy on yourself so that you don’t relapse. Keep taking the supplement(s) that you chose for prevention and relief and take good care of yourself, getting enough sleep and eating whole, nourishing and fermented foods and staying clear of sugar and other processed options. You deserve it!
For more information from Amaranth, visit the Amaranth Blog at and like their Facebook page /AmaranthFoods.
For Health First Cold Defense or your favourite natural health supplements, visit Amaranth on the 1st Wednesday of every month for their Customer Appreciation Day where all supplements, vitamins and body care are 20% off of regular prices.